Blog#196: 🔐Safely Storing and Managing API Keys and Secrets in Node.js Express


Hi, I'm Tuan, a Full-stack Web Developer from Tokyo 😊. Follow my blog to not miss out on useful and interesting articles in the future.


API keys and secrets are sensitive information used for authentication and authorization purposes in applications. Exposing these credentials may lead to serious security vulnerabilities, such as unauthorized access to your application's resources. In this article, we will discuss best practices for safely storing and managing API keys and secrets in a Node.js Express application.

1. Environment Variables

Storing API Keys in Environment Variables

One of the best practices for managing API keys and secrets is to store them as environment variables. Environment variables are outside the application's codebase, making them more secure and portable. To do this in a Node.js Express application:

  1. Create a .env file in your project's root directory.
  2. Add your API keys and secrets to the .env file, using the following format: API_KEY_NAME=API_KEY_VALUE. For example:
  1. Install the dotenv package by running npm install dotenv.
  2. In your application, load the environment variables by adding the following line at the beginning of your app.js or index.js file:
  1. Now you can access your API keys and secrets using process.env.API_KEY_NAME. For example:
const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY;
const apiSecret = process.env.API_SECRET;

Keeping Environment Variables Secure

To ensure the security of your environment variables:

  • Add the .envfile to your.gitignore file to prevent it from being committed to your version control system.
  • Use different environment variables for different environments (development, staging, production), and store them securely in each environment.

2. Encrypted Secrets Management

Using an Encrypted Secrets Management Service

For an added layer of security, consider using an encrypted secrets management service like AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, or HashiCorp Vault. These services securely store and manage sensitive data, such as API keys and secrets.

  1. Sign up for a secrets management service and create a new secret for your API keys.
  2. Add your API keys and secrets to the secrets management service.
  3. In your Node.js Express application, install the appropriate SDK for the secrets management service.
  4. Update your application to retrieve the API keys and secrets from the service using the SDK. For example, with AWS Secrets Manager:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const secretsManager = new AWS.SecretsManager();

async function getSecrets() {
  const data = await secretsManager.getSecretValue({ SecretId: 'your-secret-id' }).promise();
  return JSON.parse(data.SecretString);

(async () => {
  const secrets = await getSecrets();
  const apiKey = secrets.API_KEY;
  const apiSecret = secrets.API_SECRET;

Benefits of Encrypted Secrets Management

Using an encrypted secrets management service provides several benefits:

  • Centralized storage and management of sensitive data.
  • Encryption at rest and in transit, ensuring data confidentiality.
  • Access control policies and audit trails for better security and compliance.

3. Regularly Rotating API Keys and Secrets

Regularly rotating API keys and secrets reduces the risk of unauthorized access if the credentials are compromised. Many API providers and secrets management services offer features to help automate this process. For instance, AWS Secrets Manager provides automatic rotation of secrets.

  1. Set up a rotation schedule for your API keys and secrets in your secrets management service.
  2. Update your Node.js Express application to gracefully handle API key and secret changes. Ensure your application retrieves the latest API keys and secrets when they are rotated. This may involve implementing a caching mechanism or using webhooks to notify your application of changes.

For example, you can create a function to cache and refresh the secrets at a specific interval:

const API_KEY_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 3600000; // 1 hour in milliseconds
let cachedSecrets = null;

async function getSecrets() {
  if (!cachedSecrets) {
    cachedSecrets = await fetchSecrets();
  return cachedSecrets;

async function fetchSecrets() {
  const data = await secretsManager.getSecretValue({ SecretId: 'your-secret-id' }).promise();
  return JSON.parse(data.SecretString);

function refreshSecrets() {
    .then((secrets) => {
      cachedSecrets = secrets;
    .catch((error) => {
      console.error('Failed to refresh secrets:', error);

setInterval(refreshSecrets, API_KEY_REFRESH_INTERVAL);
  1. Test your application to ensure it can handle API key and secret rotations without downtime or errors.

4. Monitoring and Logging API Key Usage

Monitoring and logging the usage of your API keys and secrets can help you detect unauthorized access, potential security breaches, and areas for improvement in your application's performance.

  1. Implement logging and monitoring mechanisms in your Node.js Express application. Use a logging library, such as winston or bunyan, to log API key usage.
const winston = require('winston');
const logger = winston.createLogger({
  level: 'info',
  format: winston.format.json(),
  transports: [new winston.transports.Console()],

// ...

// Log API key usage when making an API request'Making API request', { apiKey });
  1. Configure alerts and notifications for unusual API key usage patterns or suspected security breaches. Many log management and monitoring services, such as AWS CloudWatch,, or Datadog, can help you set up automated alerts based on log data.
  2. Regularly review your logs and alerts to identify potential security issues and areas for improvement.


Safely storing and managing API keys and secrets in your Node.js Express application is crucial to ensuring the security and integrity of your application. By following the best practices discussed in this article, such as using environment variables, encrypted secrets management services, regularly rotating API keys and secrets, and monitoring API key usage, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and improve the overall security of your application.

And Finally

As always, I hope you enjoyed this article and got something new. Thank you and see you in the next articles!

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Xin chào, mình là Tuấn, một kỹ sư phần mềm đang làm việc tại Tokyo. Đây là blog cá nhân nơi mình chia sẻ kiến thức và kinh nghiệm trong quá trình phát triển bản thân. Hy vọng blog sẽ là nguồn cảm hứng và động lực cho các bạn. Hãy cùng mình học hỏi và trưởng thành mỗi ngày nhé!

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